All Definitions

Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.

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Policies in Force

Policies in Force means the number of active insurance policies at a specified [date].

Policies in Force

Percent Recovery

Percent Recovery means the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of measured concentration to added concentration in a reference material or test sample.

Percent Recovery


Annexure means a supplementary document outlining specifics related to [contract or rules].


Monday to Friday

Monday to Friday means standard operating hours between 12 midnight Sunday and 12 midnight Friday, excluding public holidays.

Monday to Friday

Non-acute care setting

Non-acute care setting means a physician's office, clinic, convalescent or extended care facility, patient's dwelling, or a freestanding diagnostic or therapeutic facility

Non-acute care setting

Sharp Instruments

Sharp Instruments means small, piercing tools like needles, blades or scalpels, excluding larger damaging objects.

Sharp Instruments


Noticee means the individual or service provider who is issued a notice under certain [regulations or rules]


Mechanical Separation

Mechanical Separation means the process of dividing a material using techniques, devices, or machines.

Mechanical Separation

Master Log

Master Log means a document or electronic record of operative transactions

Master Log