All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Processing Operation
Processing Operation means any method altering the physical form or content of a waste substance, encompassing administration, personnel, land, equipment, buildings and other elements involved.
Transport Charges
Transport Charges means the fees owed for services provided relating to the movement of goods or items.
First point of contact
First point of contact means the initial location where an employee commences work during a workday.
Business Justification
Business Justification means the standards that rule out certain sale reasons, and the need for evaluation before sale approval
Large family
Large family means a group of five or more members residing in the same unit.
Online Banking Credentials
Online Banking Credentials means username, password, security code and verification questions issued for accessing online banking
Educational Qualification
Educational Qualification means an individual's commitment to a full-time study course with validated student status at an educational institution.
Access Code Number
Access Code Number means a four-digit PIN shared in writing and combined with a Customer Number to enable usage of banking services.
Principal Place of Abode
Principal Place of Abode means the residence or household where a person normally lives, regardless of temporary absence due to varying circumstances