All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Temporarily out of service (TOS)
Temporarily out of service (TOS) means the deliberate cessation of a system's operation lasting a predetermined period
Secured Area
Secured Area means an enclosed zone, strictly accessible by authorized personnel of a designated [organization], protecting private assets.
National Heritage
National Heritage means objects, sites, plants, or animals bearing value across various human perspectives
Wrecked motor vehicle
Wrecked motor vehicle means a vehicle significantly damaged or dismantled, unable to operate safely
Section Officer
Section Officer means an officer in command of a specific section or branch
Intervention Program
Intervention Program means a planned series of resources designed to identify and assist those in need of particular services
Social Entities
Social Entities means non-profit organizations like foundations and cooperatives that conduct social service activities
Total Payout Amount
Total Payout Amount means the calculated percentage of the positive difference between assigned values, limited by a certain threshold.
Current Job
Current Job means active full or part-time positions within [organization] prior to receiving a [program] loan.